First update after 20 december 2024 needs extra attention!

Conditional Fields 2.5.5 and later use new folder and file names.
As a result, the plugin will deactivated automatically the first time that you update from version 2.5.4.
Please make sure to activate the plugin manually after the update.

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Repeater with file

To attach files from a repeater to your email message, you need to wrap the file-field with the name of the repeater in the attachments field.

The CF7 File attachments field can be found at the bottom in the Mail tab of your form.

For example, if your form looks like this:

[repeater my-repeater]
  [file my-file]

The attachment field should look like this:


You can also show the file names in the email body like this:

  file [my-repeater:index] [my-file]



    Form Code

    <label>Your Name [text your-name]</label>
    [repeater r add "Add another file"]
      <label> Your File [file* your-file] </label>
    <label>Comments [textarea your-message] </label>
    [submit "Send"]

    Conditional Fields (Text)