This is a simple form with very basic conditional logic.
Form Code
wanna fill out some required fields? [radio radio-show-more default:1 "no" "yes"]
[group more]
<label> Your Name (required)
[text* your-name] </label>
<label> Your Email (required)
[email* your-email] </label>
[group no-more][/group]
<label> Subject
[text your-subject] </label>
<label> Your Message
[textarea your-message] </label>
[submit "Send"]
Email Body
<p>Thanks for filling out these required fields:</p>
Your Name: <strong>[your-name]</strong><br>
Your email: <strong>[your-email]</strong>
<p>Looks like you didn't want to fill out any required fields. That's fine. As long as a required field isn't visible during submission, it will not trigger any validation errors.</p>
Here are the non-required fields that you might have filled out:
Subject: <strong>[your-subject]</strong><br>
Your Message: <strong>[your-message]</strong>
Conditional Fields (Text)
show [more] if [radio-show-more] equals "yes"
show [no-more] if [radio-show-more] not equals "yes"