First update after 20 december 2024 needs extra attention!

Conditional Fields 2.5.5 and later use new folder and file names.
As a result, the plugin will deactivated automatically the first time that you update from version 2.5.4.
Please make sure to activate the plugin manually after the update.

Read more

Repeater (PRO only)

Basic example


    Address {{rep-1_index}}

    Street address:

    Form Code

    [repeater rep-1 add "add additional address" remove "remove address"]
    <fieldset><legend>Address {{rep-1_index}}</legend>
    Street address: [text* street]
    City: [text* city]
    Country: [text* country]

    Email Body

    <strong>Thank you for filling out these addresses:</strong>
    [rep-1][rep-1:index] : [street], [city], [country]<br />[/rep-1]

    Edit this form in the form tester

    Advanced example

    The folowing features can be tweaked:

    • Minimum number of repetitions (default 1) – example: min:1
    • Maximum number of repetitions (default 200) – example: max:10
    • Initial number of repetitions (default 1) – example: initial:2
    • Add button text (default: “Add”) – example: add "Add another address"
    • Remove button text (default: “Remove”) – example: remove "Delete last address"

    It’s also possible to add groups inside the repeater.

    Take a look at the example code, it should make everything clear.



      Street address:

      This is my: homebusiness

      VAT number:


      Form Code

      [repeater rep-1 min:1 max:4 add "Add address" remove "Remove address" ]
          Street address: [text* street]
          City: [text* city]
          Country: [text* country]
          This is my: [radio radio-type default:1 "home" "business"]
          [group group-vat]VAT number: [text* vat][/group]

      Email Body

      Thanks you for filling out these addresses:
      [street], [city], [country] ([radio-type])[group-vat]
      VAT: [vat][/group-vat]

      Conditional Fields (Text)

      show [group-vat] if [radio-type] equals "business"