Date range

At this point the Conditional Fields plugin is unaware of date ranges, but this is a problem that can be solved with custom functions. Custom functions are available in Conditional Fields Pro. Check out the example below.

Example 1


    Enter a date between 29-Aug-2019 and 7-Sept-2019:

    Well done!

    Form Code

    [group nope]Enter a date between 29-Aug-2019 and 7-Sept-2019:[/group]
    [date date]
    [group well-done]Well done![/group]
      fromdate = new Date("2019-08-29");
      untildate = new Date("2019-09-07");
      function date_between(field) {
        //Add this line for future compatibility:
        field = typeof jQuery === 'function' && field instanceof jQuery ? field[0] : field;
        const checkdate = field.valueAsDate;
        if (!checkdate) {
          return false;
        if (checkdate >= fromdate && checkdate <= untildate) {
          return true; // date is between the from and until date
        } else {
          return false; // date is not between the from and until date
      function not_date_between(field) {
        return !date_between(field);

    Conditional Fields (Text)

    show [well-done] if [date] function "date_between"
    show [nope] if [date] function "not_date_between"

    Edit this form in the form tester

    Example 2 – Multiple date ranges


      Enter a date in January 2020 or in March 2020

      Well done!

      Form Code

      [group nope]Enter a date in January 2020 or in March 2020[/group]
      [date date]
      [group well-done]Well done![/group]
        const validDates = [
          [new Date("2020-01-01"), new Date("2020-01-31")],
          [new Date("2020-03-01"), new Date("2020-03-31")],
        function date_between(field) {
          //Add this line for future compatibility:
          field = typeof jQuery === 'function' && field instanceof jQuery ? field[0] : field;
          const checkdate = field.valueAsDate;
          if (!checkdate) {
            return false;
          for (let i = 0; i < validDates.length; i++) {
            const fromdate = validDates[i][0];
            const untildate = validDates[i][1];
            if (checkdate >= fromdate && checkdate <= untildate) {
              return true; // date is between the from and until date
          return false; // date is not between the from and until date
        function not_date_between(field) {
          return !date_between(field);

      Conditional Fields (Text)

      show [well-done] if [date] function "date_between"
      show [nope] if [date] function "not_date_between"

      Edit this form in the form tester