not empty


    Both of these should work.

    The right way (with first_as_label)

    Please select any value, and a group will appear

    It's magic!

    The not so right way (without first_as_label)

    Please select any value, and a group will appear

    It's magic!

    Form Code

    <h2>Both of these should work.</h2>
    <h3>The right way (with first_as_label)</h3>
    Please select any value, and a group will appear
    [select select-1 first_as_label "-- I'm not a value --" "Value 1" "Value 2" "Value 3"]
    [group magic-1]
    It's magic!
    <h3>The not so right way (without first_as_label)</h3>
    Please select any value, and a group will appear
    [select select-2 "-- I'm a value, but I pretend to not be one --" "Value 1" "Value 2" "Value 3"]
    [group magic-2]
    It's magic!

    Conditional Fields (Text)

    show [magic-1] if [select-1] not empty ""
    show [magic-2] if [select-2] not equals "-- I'm a value, but I pretend to not be one --"