First update after 20 december 2024 needs extra attention!

Conditional Fields 2.5.5 and later use new folder and file names.
As a result, the plugin will deactivated automatically the first time that you update from version 2.5.4.
Please make sure to activate the plugin manually after the update.

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    Would you like to request a quote?


    What type of Transformer are you interested in?

    Dry Type TransformerOil Filled Transformer

    Where are the primary and secondary bushings located?

    Both on the front side behind lockable doors (Pad mount style)HV & LV bushings on 180 degree opposite sides – one on left side and the other on right side (Unit substation style)Top HV & Top LV bushings or Top HV & Side LV (Station type style)

    Regular Mineral OilEnvirotemp FR3 high flashpoint, biodegradable vegetable fluid?

    What type of primary bushings?

    Live FrontDead Front

    Radial Feed (3 bushings)Loop Feed (6 bushings)

    bayonet fusestwo or four position load break switchlightning/surge arresters

    an enclosurecore & coils to retrofit into an existing enclosure

    If dry type retrofit – what are the existing enclosure dimensions?

    fans (120V motor)fans (240V motors)fans (120V motor) with digital temperature controllerfans (240V motors) with digital temperature controllerdigital temperature controller

    Copper windingsAluminum windings


    How quickly would you want/need delivery?

    1-2 days1-2 weeks2-4 monthslonger

    Attach any drawings of existing unit to assist with correct dimensions.

    Form Code

    <p>[text* your-name placeholder "Name*"] </p>
    <p>[email* your-email placeholder "Email*"] </p>
    <p>[tel tel-115 placeholder "Phone"] </p>
    <p class="label">Would you like to request a quote?</p>
    <p>[checkbox* checkbox-quote exclusive "No" "Yes"]</p>
    [group quote]
    <p class="label">What type of Transformer are you interested in?</p>
    <p>[checkbox checkbox-oildry exclusive "Dry Type Transformer" "Oil Filled Transformer"]</p>
      [group oil]
    <p class="label">Where are the primary and secondary bushings located?</p>
    [checkbox checkbox-oil1 exclusive "Both on the front side behind lockable doors (Pad mount style)" "HV & LV bushings on 180 degree opposite sides – one on left side and the other on right side (Unit substation style)" "Top HV & Top LV bushings or Top HV & Side LV (Station type style)"]
    <p>[checkbox checkbox-oil2 exclusive "Regular Mineral Oil" "Envirotemp FR3 high flashpoint, biodegradable vegetable fluid?"]</p>
    <p class="label">What type of primary bushings?</p>
    <p>[checkbox checkbox-oil3 exclusive "Live Front" "Dead Front"]</p>
    [checkbox checkbox-oil4 exclusive "Radial Feed (3 bushings)" "Loop Feed (6 bushings)"]
    [checkbox checkbox-oil5 exclusive "bayonet fuses " "two or four position load break switch" "lightning/surge arresters"]
      [group dry]
        [checkbox checkbox-dry1 exclusive "an enclosure" "core & coils to retrofit into an existing enclosure"]
        [group retro]
    <p>If dry type retrofit – what are the existing enclosure dimensions? </p>
    <p>[text your-height placeholder "Height"]</p>
    <p>[text your-width placeholder "Width"]</p>
    <p>[text your-depth placeholder "Depth"]</p>
        [checkbox checkbox-dry2 exclusive "fans (120V motor)" "fans (240V motors)" "fans (120V motor) with digital temperature controller" "fans (240V motors) with digital temperature controller" "digital temperature controller"]
    <p>[checkbox checkbox-376 exclusive "Copper windings" "Aluminum windings"]</p>
    <p>[checkbox checkbox-32 exclusive "New" "Reconditioned"]</p>
    <p class="label">How quickly would you want/need delivery?</p>
    <p>[checkbox checkbox-192 exclusive "1-2 days" "1-2 weeks" "2-4 months" "longer"]</p>
    <p class="label">Attach any drawings of existing unit to assist with correct dimensions.</p>
    <p>[file file-289 limit:10mb]</p>
    <p>[text your-citystate placeholder "Your Shipping City & State"]</p>
    <p>[textarea your-message x4 placeholder "Message"] </p>
    <p>[submit "Send"]</p>


    Conditional Fields (export)

    show [retro] if [checkbox-dry1] equals "core & coils to retrofit into an existing enclosure"
    show [dry] if [checkbox-oildry] equals "Dry Type Transformer"
    show [oil] if [checkbox-oildry] equals "Oil Filled Transformer"
    show [quote] if [checkbox-quote] equals "Yes"