First update after 20 december 2024 needs extra attention!

Conditional Fields 2.5.5 and later use new folder and file names.
As a result, the plugin will deactivated automatically the first time that you update from version 2.5.4.
Please make sure to activate the plugin manually after the update.

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case insensitive

Note: this example uses regular expressions, which are only available in Conditional Fields PRO. Regular expressions are called by default with the case-insensitive flag (i) set.


    Well done!

    Form Code

    <label>Enter <em>Show</em> or <em>show</em> or <em>SHOW</em> or <em>shOW</em><br>
    [text text-show]</label>
    [group well-done]Well done![/group]
    [submit "Send"]

    Conditional Fields (Text)

    show [well-done] if [text-show] equals (regex) "^(show)$"