
If you want to use the acceptance field inside a conditional group, make sure to add this line to the additional settings of your form:

acceptance_as_validation: on

Otherwise it will not be possible to submit the form if there is an unchecked acceptance field inside a hidden group. More about acceptance_as_validation.

Example 1: simple acceptance field


    Thanks for agreeing to the terms and conditions.

    Form Code

    [acceptance a]agree to <a href="#terms">terms and conditions</a>[/acceptance]
    [group g]Thanks for agreeing to the terms and conditions.[/group]

    Conditional Fields (Text)

    show [g] if [a] equals "1"

    Edit this form in the form tester

    Example 2: acceptance fields in groups


      show group 1show group 2

      Form Code

      [checkbox c "show group 1" "show group 2"]
      [group g1]
        [acceptance a1]agree to group 1 <a href="#terms">terms and conditions</a>[/acceptance]
      [group g2]
        [acceptance a2]agree to group 2 <a href="#terms">terms and conditions</a>[/acceptance]

      Conditional Fields (Text)

      show [g1] if [c] equals "show group 1"
      show [g2] if [c] equals "show group 2"

      Edit this form in the form tester