First update after 20 december 2024 needs extra attention!

Conditional Fields 2.5.5 and later use new folder and file names.
As a result, the plugin will deactivated automatically the first time that you update from version 2.5.4.
Please make sure to activate the plugin manually after the update.

Read more

Send default file if no file selected

In the support forums the question was asked if it was possible to attach a default image to an email if a form user didn’t upload a file.

The form below shows one approach you can use to achieve this.

Note: for security and privacy reasons, uploaded files are not actually saved on this server. So your uploaded image will not appear in the e-mail preview. If you use the code on your own website though, it should work fine.


    file* f1

    this file will be sent:

    Form Code

    [radio select-file use_label_element "default file" "uploaded file"]
    [group f1-group]
      file* f1 [file* f1]
    [group default-group]
      this file will be sent: <img width="50" src="">

    Email Body

    Here's your file:
    <img src="[f1-group][f1][/f1-group][default-group][/default-group]">

    Conditional Fields (Text)

    show [f1-group] if [select-file] equals "uploaded file"
    show [default-group] if [select-file] equals "default file"



    Edit this form in the form tester